Crowns and Bridges

Welcome to Sparrow Dental, where we expertly combine skill and creativity to enhance your smile and overall dental health. Our talented team is dedicated to skillfully transforming damaged teeth into beautiful, functional ones that you can be proud of. With careful attention to detail and a commitment to excellence, we work diligently to fix past issues and help you regain a confident, radiant smile. Experience the exceptional care and personalized service that truly makes us unique in the field of restorative dentistry.

Crowns and Bridges

Dental crowns and bridges are essential tools used in modern dentistry that significantly improve both the appearance of your smile and your overall confidence. A dental crown or bridge is a custom-made porcelain cap that is carefully designed to cover a damaged or weakened tooth, offering protection while providing a natural look that blends well with your existing teeth.

At Sparrow Dental, with the advancement of 3D and AI technology, we offer same-day crown restoration that seamlessly blends with your natural teeth, helping you achieve the beautiful smile you while ensuring its functionality.

“I needed a new crown and in one visit Dr. Lu replaced it in a few hours. No getting impressions and having to come back weeks later. Dr. Lu was consistently checking on my pain level. You can tell he actually is concerned with this patients. The facility is truly state of the art with all the latest dentistry technology. The staff was friendly and professional. One of the most pleasant visits I've ever had to a dentist.” - SC&C
